Athletic Trainers Take Responsibility And Lower Risk

Many are familiar with the role that athletic trainers play on the field, attending to injuries. What some may not realize is the integral role they play in the operations of the sports programs at local schools. They work closely, building trust with the school athletic directors, local physicians, student athletes and their families for the purpose of reducing injury risk. In event of an injury, athletic trainers also take responsibility for ensuring proper documentation, training, assessment and therapeutic interventions occur through a comprehensive rehabilitation plan.

At Therapy Center, our athletic trainers are responsible for:

  • the prevention of injuries
  • emergency care and initial assessment of injuries
  • serving as the point person for rehab and return-to-play decisions
  • and managing the athletic training room

Therapy Center has had an ongoing partnership with Jeff Davis Parish schools since 2002 and is also proud to be an integral member of the team in supporting the student athlete.

Therapy Center Athletic Trainer Highlight – Jake Duhon, Director of Sports Medicine and Clinic Manager

Jake is a life-long resident of Jennings and has been working as a Certified Athletic Trainer since 1998.  Jake is a graduate of McNeese State University with a Bachelor degree in Exercise Science and a Masters in Exercise Physiology.  Currently, Jake is the Director of Sports Medicine and Clinic Manager of the Jennings clinic. In addition to specializing in sports medicine care in our local high schools, Jake oversees the operations of our Jennings clinic.

For more on Therapy Center’s sports medicine program, visit our website.


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